Monday 03/18/24
A1. Front Squats x 6-8 Reps, Rest 30 sec
A2. 60 sec Max Pushups, Rest 2 min x 3 sets
10 DB Thrusters (50/35)
200m Run
Tuesday 03/19/24
“Gianmarco’s Dolce Vita”
Every 5 min x 20 Min (4 Sets)
500m/400m Row
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
At the 20 min mark, 7 min to find 1 heavy Split Jerk (from ground)
Wednesday 03/20/24
A1. Inverted Rows/Ring Rows** x 8-10 Reps, Rest 30 sec
A2. HS Hold/HS Negatives** x 20-30 sec/3-4 reps
Rest 2 min x 3 sets
3 RFT:
5 Ring MU/ 10 C2B or Kipping Pullups
10 Single Arm DB Push Press (5/side) (50/35)
50 Double Unders
Thursday 03/21/24
A. EMOM 10: 1 Hang Power Clean
*building to a tough single*
10 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Friday 03/22/24
A. Every 2 min x 10 min (5 sets):
5 Deadlifts *building*
EMOM 12:
Min 1: 12-15 Russian KB Swings (70/53)
Min 2: 10-12 Burpees
Saturday 03/23/24
Every 5 min x 30 min:
750m/600m Bike Erg
15 Goblet Squats (50/35)
10 Toes to Bar
Sunday 03/24/24
With A Partner:
25 min clock:
Partner A: 300m/250m Ski
Partner B: AMRAP: 10 DB Hang Power Cleans (50/35) +
15 Situps
*Partners switch back and forth*
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