Monday 11/18/24
1 1/4 Front Squats x 3 reps
rest 2 minutes x 5 sets
For max reps:
30 sec- Cal. Row
Rest 30 sec
30 sec- Front Squats (115/80)
Rest 30 sec
30 sec- T2B
Rest 30 sec
x 3 rounds
Sandbag Squat (heavy) x 3-5 reps
rest 2 minutes x 5 sets
For max reps:
30 sec- Cal. Row
Rest 30 sec
30 sec- DB Squats, 50/35lbs.
Rest 30 sec
30 sec-Lying Leg Raises
Rest 30 sec
x 3 rounds
Tuesday 11/19/24
Gymnastics Skill: Reverse Plank x :20-:30
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
5 Power Snatches (115/85)
2 Rounds of Cindy*
*Cindy= 5 pullups/10 pushups/15 air squats
Gymnastics Skill: Reverse Plank x :20-:30
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/35
2 Rounds of Cindy*
Wednesday 11/20/24
Minute 1- 100ft DB Farmer’s carry
Minute 2- 10/8 cal Bike
Minute 3- 30 Double Unders
Minute 4- :30 Ring Support Hold
Minute 5- rest
x 6 rounds
Minute 1- 100ft DB Farmer’s carry
Minute 2- 10/8 cal Bike
Minute 3- 30 Single Unders
Minute 4- :30 Hollow Hold
Minute 5- rest
x 6 rounds
Thursday 11/21/24
Crossfit & Function:
Single Arm Plank :10-:15 per arm
rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
Rest 2 Min X 10 Sets
Friday 11/22/24
10 rounds for time of:
2 ring muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings
10 rounds for time of:
2 Pendlay Rows (heavy)
4 push-ups
8 kettlebell swings
Saturday 11/23/24
6 rounds
20/15 Cal. Bike
1 Power Clean
*score is total lbs.
**rest 2 minutes after each round
6 rounds
20/15 Cal. Bike
1 Sandbag Clean
*rest 2 minutes after each round
Sunday 11/24/24
Crossfit & Function:
TOGETHER – 100 Double Unders
20 Shared Dumbbell Manmaker
TOGETHER – 50 Double Unders
20 Shared Medball Sit-ups
TOGETHER – 50 Double Unders
20 Shared Dumbbell Manmaker
TOGETHER – 100 Double Unders
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