Weekly CrossFit Workouts 07/29/24 – 08/04/24

Monday 07/29/24
A. 3 Sets
3 Back Squats @ 20×1
rest :30s
10 Goblet Squats @ 30×1
rest 2 minutes b/t sets

24 Double Unders
12 DB Reverse Lunges (50/35) (6/side)
6 Devils Press (50/35)

Tuesday 07/30/24
A. Every 2:30s x 3 Sets
10-12 Alt DB Bench Press @ 20×0
rest :20s
8-10 Weighted Pull Ups
rest remainder time

B. 5 Sets
20 Push Ups
200m Run

Wednesday 07/31/24
150 Double-unders
125 Sit-ups
100 Box step-ups (24/20)
75 Deadlifts (115/75)
50 Burpees
25 Strict handstand push-ups

*courtesy of crossfit.com*

Thursday 08/01/24

4 minute clock:
Bike Erg 800m/600m
10 Toes to Bar
Max Cal Row with remaining time
rest 2 minutes x 4 rounds

4 minute clock:
Bike Erg 800m/600m
10 Sit-ups
Max Cal Row with remaining time
rest 2 minute x 4 rounds

Friday 08/02/24

Behind the Neck Push Press x 3 reps
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
12 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)
rest 2 minutes x 5 rounds

DB Z-Press x 8 reps
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
12 Alt. DB Snatches
rest 2 minutes x 5 rounds

Saturday 08/03/24
Crossfit & Function:

400 Meter Run
60/40 Cal. Row
40 Lateral Parallete Jump-Overs
40 Knees to Elbow
40 Lateral Parallete Jump-Overs
60/40 Row
400 Meter Run

Sunday 08/04/24
Crossfit & Function:

100/80 Cal Bike *switch every 10 cal*
100 Russian KB Swings (53/35) *switch however*
100/70 Cal Ski *Switch every 10 cal*
100 DB Side Bends *switch however*

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