Monday, 4/10/23:
A. E2OM x 5 sets
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 75%
B. For Time
400m Run
50 Push Ups
200 Double Unders
50 Push Ups
400m Run
*18 minute cap*
Push Ups scale up to 4/2″ deficit OR 35 Push Ups
Tuesday, 4/11/23:
Buy In:
1000/800m Ski Erg
10 Sets
10 Alt DB Power Snatch (50/35)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
Cash Out:
300/250m Ski Erg
Wednesday, 4/12/23:
A. E2OM x 5 Sets
Push Jerk x 5 reps @ 80% of Push Press 1 RM
3 Stick Sit Ups
3 DB Push Press (50/35)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Stick Sit Ups
6 DB Push Press
6 Toes to Bar
9/9/9, 12/12/12 etc…
Thursday, 4/13/23:
1 – 15/12/10 Wall Ball Shots (20/24)
2 – 15/12 Cal Row
4 – 15/12 Cal Bike Erg
*For WBS, pick a number to consistently hit UNBROKEN.
No scaling down, only UP
*Allow up to :50s to work
Friday, 4/14/23:
A. Handstand Skill Work
5 Sets
Level 1: 5-8 DB Z Press @ 30×1 or Pike Push Up
Level 2: 1 Handstand Kick Off + :10s HS Hold + 3s Negative
Level 3: 1 Handstand Kick Off into Strict HSPU x 3-5 reps
*Athletes wlll drop and reset after completing their HSPU
rest :90s-2m b/t sets
B. 3 Sets
100′ Reverse Sled Drag (driveway and back)
100m Sandbag Carry (to 200m mark from the top of driveway)
100′ Sprint (down driveway and back)
rest/walk 2-3 minutes b/t sets or while partners work
Saturday, 4/15/23:
A. For Time
1 Max UNBROKEN Set of Clean and Jerks**
*Options; 135/95, 115/75, 95/65* or less
*The focus is barbell cycling here; The goal is to pick a weight
they can aim to do at least 20 unbroken reps with the intent
of going for 30+
-Rest 5 minutes-
B. For Time
2 Sets
500m Run
25 Pull Ups*
*12 minute cap*
*Jumping Pull Up or Ring Rows as the sub today
Sunday, 4/16/23:
Groups of 3
A: Row x 300/250m
B: Bike Erg Max Cals
C: Max Reps Burpees
*rotate when the row is complete
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