Weekly CrossFit Workouts: 07/10/23 – 07/16/23

Monday 07/10/23
A. Back Squat – 25 minutes to build to a tough

B. For Time
w/ a partner
1000/800m Row
40 Front Squats (135/95)
30 Burpees
8 minute cap

*Work split however

Tuesday 07/11/23
A. Shoulder Press – 18 minutes to build to a tough

– EMOM 12
1 – :30s Dual KB Front Rack Hold (53/35)
2 – :30s Max Reps Double Unders
3 – :30s Wall Sit

Wednesday 07/12/23

20 Walking Lunges (10/side)*
10 V-Ups
10 Box Step Ups (24/20)

-rest 3 minutes –

20 Pistols (10/side)
10 Toes to Bar
10 Weighted Step Ups (24/20)

Thursday 07/13/23
3 Sets:

4 minute clock
30/25 Cal Row
AMRAP remaining time:
7 Burpees
7 DB Hang Power Cleans @ 50/35
rest 4 minutes

Skill: Pull Ups

For Time:

– 45 Pull Ups
– 15 Power Cleans (95/65)
– 30 Pull Ups
– 10 Squat Cleans (95/65)
– 15 C2B Pull Ups
– 5 Squat Clean & Jerks (95/65)

Friday 07/14/23
A. Deadlift – 25 minutes to build to a tough single

B. For Time
30/25 Cal Bike Erg
30 Pull Ups
100m Farmers Carry (70/53)
5 minute cap

Sub = Jumping Pull Ups

Saturday 07/15/23
Margaret’s Mischief

For Time
Row 500/400m
50 Prisoner Box Step Ups (24/20)
10 Wall Walks
Run 1000m
30 DB Box Step Ups (50/35) (24/20)
10 Wall Walks

-rest 2 minutes THEN-

250m/200m Row
20 DB Front Rack Lunges (50/35) (10/side)
200m Run
10 Handstand Push Ups
(2 scores)
30 minute cap

Sunday 07/16/23
Teams of 2

Teams of 2

100/80 Cal Bike Erg

*Partner Holds Plank*

+ 100 Alt. DB Power Snatches (50/35) (split however)

+ 1500/1200m Row *Partner does KB Goblet hold while other partner Rows*

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