Weekly CrossFit Workouts 09/18/23 – 09/24/23

Monday 09/18/23
Pause Front Squat x 5 reps

rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
– For time:
40 Calorie Row
40 Goblet Step Ups (53/35) @ 20″
40 Calorie Bike Erg
40 Box Jumps (24/20)

Tuesday 09/19/23
Push Press x 5 reps

rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
1000m Run
100 Push Press (75/45)
10 Muscle Ups

Wednesday 09/20/23
5 sets:

Power Clean x 1.1
rest 1:30 minutes after each set
– 21-15-9
Dumbbell Squat Clean (50/35)
Burpees to 6″ target

Thursday 09/21/23

Handstand Push-Up x 8-10 reps
rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
– 3 rounds:
:40 on / :20 (intervals)
– Russian Swings (53/35)
– Handstand Hold
– Alt. Lunges in Place (holding KB)
rest :60 after each round

SKILL: Pull Ups

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Friday 09/22/23
In 15 minutes

Work to a tough 3 rep on the Back Squat
For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
50 Push-Ups
50 Sit-Ups

Saturday 09/23/23
3 rounds:

10 Deadlifts (building in weight each round)
40 Double Unders

Sunday 09/24/23
3 rounds:

In teams of 2
400m Run
40 Alt. Hang DB Snatch (switching every 10)
1000m Bike (switching at 500m)
Hollow Hold x :60 together

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