Weekly CrossFit Workouts: 11/14/22-11/20/22

Monday, 11/14/22:
A. Squat Complex
3 Front Squats @ 85% of 1 RM FS
Max Reps (-1) Back Squat
rest 3 minutes x 4 sets
Goal = 5+ reps on back squat each time
B. EMOM 10
1 – AMRAP Pistols in :30s
2 – AMRAP Box Jumps (24/20) in :30s

Tuesday, 11/15/22:
1 – Row 12/9 Cals
2 – 10-15 Burpees
3 – 15-20 American KBS @ 53/35
*45s cut off for each; the goal here is to maintain the
effort. If unable to complete, take the following minute

Wednesday, 11/16/22:
A. 10-12 minutes Muscle Up Skill Work
3-5 Sets
Level 1 – False Grip Transition to Dip + Support x 3-5 reps into
:5-:10s Support Hold
Level 2 – Feet on Box to Strict Muscle Up x 2-4 reps
Level 3 – Ring Kip x 1 + Muscle Up Attempt x 1-3 reps
Level 4 – Kipping Ring Muscle Ups x 3-5 rep
*For Level 1 Athletes, can use a band or partner to help with the
B. 5 RFT
10 DB Floor Press (50/35)
10 Strict Pull Ups
*9 minute cap*

Thursday, 11/17/22:
Partner Thursday
For Time
Run 500m *together*
4000/3000m Bike Erg
Run 500m *together*
2000m/1800m Row
Run 500m *together*
*work split however except run, which is done together*
*30 minute cap*

Friday, 11/18/22:
A. Every 2 minutes x 10 minutes
1 Snatch Balance
1 Overhead Squat
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
30 Double Unders

Saturday, 11/19/22:
3 Clusters (135/95)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Deadlifts (135/95)
6 Pull Ups
200m Run

Sunday, 11/20/22:
In teams of 2

50/40 Calorie Row
30 Push Press (95/65)
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
*work split however*

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