Weekly CrossFit Workouts: 11/28/22-12/4/22

Monday, 11/28/22:
Reverse Sled Drag x 50′(back and forth from the rig)
rest 2:00 x 4 sets *building* AHAP
B. Tabata (:20s on / :10s off x 8 intervals)
Sandbag Squats
rest 1:00
Devils Press (35/20)
rest 1:00
Toes to Bar

Tuesday, 11/29/22:
Every 5 minutes x 5 sets
Bike Erg x 12/9 Cals
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35)
30 Double Unders
10 Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell
*goal = sub 3 minute rounds, each time*

Wednesday, 11/30/22:
A. KB Complex
5 Dual KB Push Press
50′ Dual KB Front Rack Carry
3 Dual KB Push Press
25′ Dual KB OH Carry
rest 2:00 x 4 sets
10/7 Cal Ski Erg
9 Pull Ups
6 American Russian Swings @ 70/53

Thursday, 12/1/22:
On a 6 minute clock:
Row 1000/800 meters
– then with remaining time –
Max Box Jumps + Step Down
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
*goal here is consistent effort across all sets*

Friday, 12/2/22:
A. 4 sets:
Overhead Squat x 6 reps @ 3111 tempo
rest 2:30 after each set
5 rounds:
Power Snatch x 10 reps (95/65)
Push-Ups x Max UB set
*Score = total time + Push-Ups*
**If you cannot perform at least 5UB reps, setup
the band assisted push-ups on the rig.**

Saturday, 12/3/22:
For time:
20 Deadlifts (225/155)
30 Burpees
20 Power Cleans (185/115)
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
30 Burpees

Sunday, 12/4/22:
“Cardio Party”
In teams of 2:
5000m Row
While Partner A Rows
Partner B Performs 100m Sandbag Carry/Farmers Carry/Deadhang on Bar
Then switch

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