Weekly CrossFit Workouts: 4/3/23-4/9/23

Monday, 4/3/23:
A. Front Rack Step Ups x 16 reps (8/side)
rest 2:00 x 3 sets
*20″ height for all*
20 step ups (no weight) @ 24/20 (prisoner style)
20 squat thrusts
20 Russian swings (53/35)

Tuesday, 4/4/23:
With a Partner:
5 Sets:

Row 500/400m AFAP*
rest while partner works
*tough effort on ALL sets
3 Sets:
10 Banded Pallof Press + :10s Hold / side
10 Side Plank Reach Throughs/side
rest while partner works

Wednesday, 4/5/23:
A. Handstand Skill Work

Every 2 minutes x 10 minutes
Level 1: Banded Overhead Hold x :30s
Level 2: Handstand Hold x :30s
Level 3: Handstand Hold x :45s
B. For Time
100 Double Unders
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
30 Handstand Push Ups*
*10 minute cap*
Goal = Sub 8

Thursday, 4/6/23:
Every 5 minutes x 20 minutes

12 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 225/155
8 Strict Pull Ups
*Each round must be completed sub 4*

Friday, 4/7/23:
A. 3 Sets – For Quality

:30s Hollow Hold
:30s Bent Knee Hanging L-Sit
rest/walk :90s-2m b/t sets
B. AMRAP `10:

3 T2B

3 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

6 T2B

6 Box Jump Overs

9/9, 12/12, etc, up by 3’s

Saturday, 4/8/23:
20 minute clock

10 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
300m Run
10 Power Snatches (135/95)
300m Run
10 Thrusters (135/95)
300m Run
In remainder time:
Build to a 1 RM Clean and Jerk

Sunday, 4/9/23:
3 Person Team:

250/210 Cal Bike Erg
6,000/4,800m Row
*Only 2 working at the same time (1 resting)*
*Switch as needed
*Follow the leader style

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