Weekly CrossFit Workouts: 5/15/23-5/21/23

Monday, 5/15/23:
A. Back Squat

Every 3 minutes x 5 Sets
3 reps @ 85% of 1RM
5 Deadlifts @ 225/155
3 Pull Ups
5/6, 5/9 etc…

Tuesday, 5/16/23:

500m Run
40 Walking Lunges
30 Burpees

Wednesday, 5/17/23:
A. Every 2 minutes x 10 minutes

3 Split Jerks @ 60-70% of tough single*
*Focus on technique
B. EMOM 10
1 – 15/12 Cal Row
2 – 3 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)*
*Scale up to 155/115, 185/135*
*must be UB

Thursday, 5/18/23:
A. Romanian Deadlifts

3 x 5 @ 3111 tempo (moderate light load today)
15 Toes to Bar*
AMRAP Russian KBS (53/35)
rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
*Goal = 30+ RKBS each round

Friday, 5/19/23:
A. 10 minutes Handstand Skill Work

Level 1: 1 Wall Walk + :10s Wall Facing Hold
Level 2: 1 Handstand Kick Off + :5s HS Hold + :5s Negative
Level 3: 1 Handstand Kick + 1 Strict HSPU or 3 Kipping HSPU
*add deficit for those who are proficient
*use box for those still working on it for Pike Variation
B. For Time – w/ a Partner
2000m Ski Erg
*non-working partner performs AMRAP Sit Ups*

Saturday, 5/20/23:
Murph Prep Week 5
For time:

800m Run
10 Rounds Cindy
800m Run
*wear vest for Cindy, take off for runs*

Sunday, 5/21/23:
Teams of 2

50/40 Calorie Row
50/40 Calorie Ski Erg
40/30 Cal Row
40/30 Cal Ski Erg
30/20 Cal Row
30/20 Cal Ski Erg
Core Cashout

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