Monday, 5/16/22:
5 Rounds:
1 Round “DT” (155/105)
400m Run
**1 Round DT= 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 S2O
Tuesday, 5/17/22:
A1. Glute Bridge Floor Press x 8-10 Reps, Rest 60 sec
A2. 6-8 Wide Grip Strict Pullups *can add weight*, Rest 60 sec x 4 sets
3 Wall Walks
35 DU’s
Wednesday, 5/18/22:
Row 250m
rest 2 minutes
Row 500m
rest 3 minutes
Row 750m
rest 4 minutes
Row 1000m
Rest 4 minutes
Row 750m
rest 3 minutes
Row 500m
rest 2 minutes
Row 250m
Thursday, 5/19/22:
EMOM 20:
Min 1: 12 DB Front Rack Lunges (50/35)
Min 2: 10 Bent Over Barbell Rows *no RX- moderate loading, 10 unbroken*
Min 3: 40 sec Hollow Rocks
Min 4: 12 DB Hang Snatches (6/side)
Friday, 5/20/22:
Murph Prep Week 5
For time:
800m Run
10 Rounds Cindy
800m Run
*wear vest for Cindy, take off for runs*
Saturday, 5/21/22:
5 Rounds:
1k/ .8k Bike
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
Sunday, 5/22/22:
1 Min Intervals:
Min 1: Wall Sit *can add weight*
Min 2: Single KB Deadlift (53/35)
Min 3: Burpees
Min 4: Rest
x 5 Rounds
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