Monday 03/11/24
A1. Close Grip Bench Press x 6-8 reps
A2. Goblet Squat x 12-15 reps
x 3 sets
B. 3 Sets
21 American KBS @ 53/35
15 Toes to Bar
9 Burpee Over the KB
*tough effort*
*11 minute cap*
Tuesday 03/12/24
For Time
1000m/800m Row
30 Power Snatches (95/65)
2000/1600m Bike Erg
30 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Wednesday 03/13/24
Ring Dips
*30 Double Unders after each set*
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*30 Double Unders after each set*
*15 minute cap*
Thursday 03/14/24
Active Recovery Workout:
w/ a Partner:
2000/1800m Ski Erg
200 Box Step Ups (24/20)
300m Farmer Carry (53/35)
100 Partner Sit-Ups *together*
*27 minute cap*
*work split however, sit ups done together*
Friday 03/15/24
FNL 24.3
Saturday 03/16/24
On a running clock:
Minute 0:00 – 10:00
2 Burpee Over the Bar
2 Thrusters (95/65)
4/4, 6/6, etc…
rest 2 minutes then
Minutes 12:00 – 20:00
2 Box Jump Step Down (24/20)
2 Thrusters (95/65)
4/4, 6,6 etc….
goal: round of 10
(at 60-100 total thruster range)
Sunday 03/17/24
Minute 1: 10/7 Cal Ski Erg
Minute 2: 10/7 Cal Bike Erg
Minute 3: 10/7 Cal Rower
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